News for Jul 28, 2020

Image: Rev. Carol Barriger (second from left) and other UCC luminaries at Irene Laudeman's ordination in 2016
This Sun, Aug 2: Rev. Carol Barriger
This Sunday, our guest preacher is Rev. Carol Barriger. Her message is “More than Enough," using the story of feeding the five thousand. We will be celebrating communion, so bring something to eat and drink. Click here to join us Sunday at 10 am Pacific time.
"When Faith Meets Reason," Volume III
Ten years ago, our book group read "When Faith Meets Reason," a collection of personal spiritual journeys. We decided to write our own "Volume II," detailing the faith we were brought up with, what changed in our lives, and what we think and believe now. Next month, our new members group is embarking on Volume III. Anyone else who would like to join us is welcome. Let Polly know, and you’ll get the background samples and info. We’re aiming for discussion on Wed, Aug 19.
Updates on our congregational family
• Rev. Richard Roe passed away on Jul 8, 2020. He was the interim minister at College Heights Church in 1969–70. View his obituary. • Congregation member Jim Mathews is currently at Brookside Skilled Nursing Hospital. He can’t have visitors, but is very appreciative of cards and calls. His cell phone is (650) 576-5812, and you can send him mail at Brookside (2620 Flores St, San Mateo, CA 94403).
San Mateo County Immigrant Relief Fund
The Sobrato Foundation and other organizations are working with Mission Asset Fund to provide financial support for immigrant families left out of the federal government's relief efforts. Immigrant families may be eligible to receive a $1,000 grant to help in this time of crisis. Apply here or donate here.
Links and resources
• The church forests of Ethiopia • "See the Truth" (via Karen) (behind the scenes) • "La Bamba" via Playing For Change (watch the harp)
Quote of the week
"I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs."
—Frederick Douglass