News for Apr 27, 2021

This Sun, May 2
This Sunday, it's Earth Day — Part 2! Rev. Polly Moore explores what the Bible has to say about humankind’s relation to the Earth. Texts are drawn from Genesis 1 and 2. It’s Communion Sunday, so bring bread and cup to participate. We'll have a special collection for Puente de la Costa Sur. Join us via Zoom a few minutes before 10 am Pacific.
Upcoming events
• In-person garden party: Sat, May 1, (1–3 pm) Come to a bring-your-own-food garden party. We'll be outdoors, but please bring your mask. (If you can't make it in person, join us on Zoom.) •New members' group: Wed, May 5 (5:30 pm) How do you discuss dreams? How have dreams affected your life? • Worship and Arts Committee: Wed, May 5 (7 pm) Help us plan the worship schedule. All are invited. • Book group:Sun, May 23 (5 pm) We’ll be discussing “The Cloister” by James Carroll.
Quote of the week
“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.” —Wendell Berry
Weekly online events
• Worship service: Sundays at 10 am
• Meditation discussion: Wednesdays at 8 am
• Women's group: Mondays at 1 pm
Photo: An old growth ponderosa pine grows in lava in the Deschutes National Forest. (US Forest Service)