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News for Aug 9, 2022

This Sunday: In-person service

Join us in person this Sunday at 10 am. Karen Conklin will talk about “The Runaway Bunny.” Communion will be celebrated. If you can't be there in person, If you can't come in person, join us on Zoom.

Recent sermons

Check out our YouTube page to see recent sermons. Go to our archive of slides to see bulletins and slides used during recent services.

A visit with Bob and May-Blossom Wilkinson

Karen writes: “Jane Hazlett and I had a delightful visit with Bob and May-Blossom Wilkinson, who were members from some time ago. They are at Sterling Court, the same as Lois Brock. May-Blossom just turned 100. She grew up in a congregational church in Hawaii, the daughter of Cantonese-speaking parents. She and Bob were an interracial couple way back in the '50s. Many of us remember their exuberant Lunar New Year’s parties at their home on Parrot Drive, of which there were always 3 — one for neighbors, one for work colleagues, and one just for the College Heights Church family! May-Blossom was a long time teacher at Baywood Elementary School, and worked with Lois and Jerry Brock when he was principal there. She would mystify young students by sending them on creative errands to “ask Mrs. Brock if we can borrow her camel because I forgot to bring my magic carpet today!” Currently, she enjoys painting animals and birds. Bob was a social worker for Child Protective Services. They had four children: Steven, Sunya, Su-Lin, and Willy (one of the first transgender people to marry legally in San Francisco).”

Upcoming events • Weds discussion group: Aug 10 (7 pm), Zoom

A first-century housechurch service based on the instructions in the Didache

• Taizé service: Fri, Aug 12 (7:30 pm), in person

• Yard sale at Belmont UCC: Sat, Aug 27 (9 am)

A fundraiser for RIP Medical Debt. More details.

• Book group: Sun, Aug 28 (7 pm), Zoom

Discussing “Living Untethered” by Michael Singer

• Women's retreat: Sep 2–5, in Pacific Grove

RSVP to Polly by Aug 21

• Memorial for Jan Lamphier: Sat, Sep 10 (1:30 pm)

In person at the church

• Worship & Arts: Sun, Sep 11 (after church)

Help us plan upcoming Sunday services.

Friday: Taizé in person

We'll have a Taizé service this Friday (7:30 pm, in person, with mask). Join us for a time of prayer, chant, and silence. Hear poetry by Paul Goodman (“The Nine Kinds of Silence”). The Zoom room will also be open, and the bulletin will be available at

Faith in Action update

Clara of Many Journeys MCC writes: “Faith in Action is calling for people to attend an action in support of trailer park residents on Wed, Aug 10 at 4pm at the County Planning and Building Dept (455 County Center, Redwood City). Many residents of Sequoia Trailer Park have been harassed. They started organizing in March in response to receiving long lists of expensive code violations from the county, which had failed to inspect the park for over 30 years. The health and safety issues in the park come from sewers that leak into the park and into people's homes with raw sewage, the deteriorating electrical system, flooding, and non-potable water. The county has refused to commit to basic actions like forgiving violations that are not possible to correct and guaranteeing the implementation of a financial assistance program. Residents are bringing a complaint and proposal for an alternative process to the county's Planning and Building Department on Aug 10. We invite you to join them in solidarity.” For more information, contact Clara.

Resources and links

An updated church directory was released in July. If you didn't get one, email us.

There is just one week left to support the Samaritan House backpack drive

Quote of the week

“There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.”

—Marshall McLuhan

Weekly events

• Women's group: Mondays at 1 pm

Usually on Zoom; third Mondays at church

• Meditation group: Wednesdays at 7:30 am

In person at the church building

• Sunday worship: 10 am

In person or on Zoom — see the newsletter or this site for updates

Image: Margaret Wise Brown, author of “The Runaway Bunny.” Photo by Consuelo Kanaga.


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College Heights Church

United Church of Christ


1150 W. Hillsdale Blvd.

San Mateo, CA 94403

(650) 341-7311

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