News for June 27, 2023

This Sunday, July 2: In-person serviceThis Sunday, July 2, Rev. Polly will start our summer poetry series with a look at poetry in the Bible. Ariel Wang will be our guest musician, playing her guitar. In keeping with the theme of the morning, all of the music will have lyrics taken from well-known Biblical poetry. Communion will be celebrated.
The Giving Sunday offering for July is for San Mateo's Catherine Center, helping women re-enter society after incarceration.
Recent sermons
Check out our YouTube page to see recent sermons. Go to our archive of slides to see bulletins and slides used during recent services.
Farewell party for Pat Farquhar
After more than 30 years in California, Pat is moving "home to Ohio" to be with family. We will miss her enormously -- her beautiful altars, her lemon meringue birthday pies, her gardening care, and her quiet, loving presence. She gives the very best hugs ever! A farewell party is planned for after church this Sunday, July 2. Come say goodbye.
Report from Annual Gathering
Marguerite Roemer, Jane Hazlett and Rev. Polly attended the Annual Gathering of the conference two weeks ago. Marguerite summarized her experience for you:
As a new member of College Heights Church, I was curious to learn more about the larger community of the United Church of Christ (UCC) denomination. So when I learned that the Annual Gathering of the Northern California Nevada Conference UCC was taking place in nearby Palo Alto on June 15-17, I signed up to attend. I was not disappointed! I found the presentations, workshops, and people I met to be friendly, educational, and inspirational. The highlights for me were Rev. Barbara Peronteau’s presentation “A Trans Woman and her Faith Journey,” and Pastor Ron Buford’s workshop on “Racists Anonymous.” Both helped attendees to see the world through different viewpoints and reinforced the UCC’s Mission of “We welcome all, love all, and seek justice for all.” I am glad I went and hope to attend future Gatherings.
Various friends of College Heights said to say hello: Rev. Kimberly Elliot (now the pastor at Fairfax Community Church UCC), Rev. Michael Ellard (now the pastor at Valley Ministries MCC in Stockton) and Rev. Victor Floyd and Lou Grosso (doing fabulously well at Calvary Presbyterian in San Francisco).
Upcoming services and events
• Taize service: Fri, July 7 (7:30 pm) at church. Also available on Zoom. Note that it's a week earlier than the usual "second Friday."
• Worship & Arts: Sun, July 9 after church. Come help us plan the summer.
• Book Group: Sun, July 9 (7 pm), Zoom. Reading the novel “Our Missing Hearts” by Celeste Ng
• Weds discussion group: July 12 (7 pm), Zoom
"Basic Bible Stories", starting with Adam and Eve and the snake. What does the Bible actually say and what has been read into it over the centuries? Everyone is welcome.
• Church Camp. July 14-16 at Monte Toyon along with Belmont UCC and others.
• Church Council. There will be no Council meeting in July. Enjoy the break!
• Women’s retreat: Sep 1-3, Pacific Grove
Contact Polly Moore for details.
• Men’s retreat: Sep 22–24, Pacific Grove
Contact Roy Gesley for details.
Links and resources
• Samaritan House has started their annual Backpack Drive.
• Housing update from Faith in Action via Clara Jaeckel
• TransHeartLine, Victor's healing ministry to help post-op transgender clients.
• "The Restaurant of Mistaken Orders" by storyteller Neal Foald.
• John Denver and Itzhak Perlman play bluegrass!
Quote of the week
"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe."
-- John Muir
Weekly events
• Meditation group: Wednesdays at 7:30 am
In person at the church building
• Sunday worship: 10 am
In person or on Zoom — see the newsletter or this site for updates
Image: The Hand of Vyrnwy by sculptor Simon O'Rourke, commissioned in 2011 and located in Powys, Wales. It's 50 feet tall, including the stump.