News for October 24, 2023

This Sunday, Oct 29: In-person service at 10am
This Sunday, Oct 29, is our annual Dia de los Muertos Sunday. We decorate the altar with pictures and mementos of people whom we have cherished -- family members, friends, mentors -- and then we spend the sermon time telling our stories about why they were so meaningful in our lives. We sing a litany together naming church members who have passed. So bring pictures and stories on Sunday.
The Hasse's move got postponed but we're having a potluck lunch anyway. Bring something to share and plan to stay for some time together.
The Giving Sunday offering for October is for Neighbors in Need, a UCC offering to support ministries of justice and compassion..
Recent sermons
Check out our YouTube page to see recent sermons. Go to our archive of slides to see bulletins and slides used during recent services.
Starting in Sept 2023, recordings of our Taize services are also on the YouTube page.
Annual pledge drive underway
Annual pledge letters have been mailed out to members; please return your responses by Nov 10. You can mail in the form (attention: Marilyn Courter) or email your pledge to Marilyn. This coming year will be an exciting one, as we anticipate calling a new pastor during that time. Pledges account for about half of our income, so every contribution matters. Please be generous! We will vote on the proposed budget at the congregational meeting on Dec 3.
George Conklin remembers Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza
George writes: "The tragic reports from Gaza today reminded me of a Holy Land visit with Episcopal colleagues the Revs Lois and Trevor Hoy. We were in Jerusalem doing Bible study filming and the Anglican Bishop Samir Kafity asked us to do a fundraising video at the Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza.
While we were filming the Bishop in the children’s ward a hospital aide called to us, 'Get to the surgery, there is rioting in the streets - the Israelis are using live ammunition.'
We watched one teen die. His brother came in, screamed, then lifted the body to take home for the ritual washing and burial.
To help us return to Jerusalem they sent us to the Eritz crossing with ambulances ahead and behind the Bishop’s car which had white diplomatic license plates. At the crossing, sentries signaled to stop the car. The Bishop told the driver to drive slowly and blessed the sentries as we drove past.
We later learned the time had been labeled Intifada (uprising)."
Jim Doty Coming on Nov 5
Our guest preacher at the beginning of November will be Dr. James Doty, professor of neurosurgery at Stanford and founder and director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE). His life story is pretty astonishing! In case you want to read about it before he gets here, his book is "Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeon's Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart."
Upcoming services and events
• Book Group: Sun, Oct 29 (7 pm), Zoom Discussion of “Mink River” by Brian Doyle. Note new date, giving you another week to finish the book!
• Worship & Arts: Sun, Nov 5 after worship. Everyone is welcome to help plan future services and events.
• Weds discussion group:Nov 8 (7 pm), Zoom
"Basic Bible Stories", meeting the main characters of the Old Testament. We've moved through the time of the judges, and now on to the time of the kings. All are welcome to join these gatherings.
• Harvest Dinner: Nov 17 (6 pm) at Congregational Church of the Peninsula (aka "the Belmont church"). Joint early Thanksgiving with area UCC churches. Turkey provided, we bring sides. It was fun last year!
• Farewell Party for the Hasse's: Sun after worship, sometime in late Nov. Come say good-bye as they head up to Enso in Healdsburg. (Note: this date is subject to adjustment. Stay tuned for more info.)
• Congregational Meeting: Sun, Dec 3 after worship. The annual meeting to vote on next year's budget.
Links and resources
• Songstress Tammi Brown, who has graced our worship with her music more than once, is battling cancer. If you are moved to help, friends have set up a GoFundMe page.
• Masterworks Chorale's fall concert will be Saturday, Oct 28th at 7pm and Sunday, Oct 29th at 4pm at Carlmont HS in Belmont. It's going to be an amazing concert, featuring Poulenc's "Gloria", Beethoven's "Choral Fantasy", Brahms' "Schicksalslied" and recent compositions by local composer Christopher Tin. Full orchestra will make for an exciting event. Look for Caje, Polly and David H. in the chorus!
• Richard Rothstein, author of "The Color of Law", will be talking this Thursday, Oct 26, 7-9 at the downtown church (CCSM). It's free but you need to register.
Quote of the week
"We're here for a little window, and to use that time to catch and share shards of light and laughter and grace seems to me the great story," -- Brian Doyle
Weekly events
• Meditation group: Wednesdays at 7:30 am
In person at the church building.
• Sunday worship: 10 am
In person at the church building.
Image: one of Karen's Dia de los Muertos altars