News for Jun 8, 2021

This Sun, Jun 13
This Sunday at 10 am, we return to Zoom. Rev. Polly will preach about how our sacred spaces come to reflect the stories of the people who worship there. We will visit several very interesting churches in France that incorporate local legends in surprising ways. We'll hear excerpts from Exodus 26 and 27. Join us via Zoom a few minutes before 10 am Pacific.
Upcoming events on Zoom
• New members' group: Wed, Jun 9 (5:30 pm)
• Taizé service: Fri, Jun 11 (7:30 pm)
Join us for a service of contemplation and chant.
• Deep Sharing event: Sun, Jun 13 (3–5 pm) Join CHC members for our third Deep Sharing event. Find info here.
• Book group: Sun, Jun 27 (7 pm)
Please note the new time. We’ll continue discussing “The Cloister.” For July 25, we’ll read “Neither Wolf nor Dog” by Kent Nerburn (who will be our guest preacher that morning).
July 4: Our next in-person service
Save the date for our next in-person worship service on Sun, Jul 4. It will be a similar format to last Sunday, and you'll be able to join on Zoom if you can't come in person. We are still learning how to do these hybrid services. If you have ideas or comments based on your experience last Sunday, please email
July 11: “The Power of Two”
On July 11, our speaker will be Isabel Stenzel Byrnes, co-author of "The Power of Two: A Twin Triumph Over Cystic Fibrosis." From the book's description: “Ana and Isa are identical twins who recount their lifelong struggle to pursue normal lives with cystic fibrosis while grappling with the realization that they will die young. This coming-of-age story reveals their tumultuous battle against their bodies, their desire for independent identities, and their gradual acceptance of being loveable despite being physically different.” Before July 11, consider reading the book or watching the documentary.
Links and resources
• Tulsa pastors honor "holy ground" 100 years after massacre (see image)
• White House science advisor sworn in on 500-year-old Jewish text
• Friends of Friendless Churches saves UK buildings
Quote of the week
“Openness may not completely disarm prejudice, but it’s a good place to start.” —Jason Collins
Weekly online events
• Worship service: Sundays at 10 am
• Meditation discussion: Wednesdays at 8 am
• Women's group: Mondays at 1 pm
Image: St. Francis watches over last Sunday's outdoor service