News for Mar 15, 2022

This Sunday
Join us on Zoom this Sunday at 10 am. Our guest preacher will be Erin Wiens St. John, a postulant for ordination in the Episcopal Diocese of California. As both a Millennial and a dedicated Episcopalian, she is preparing for a career finding creative solutions for postmodern, progressive, Protestant congregations, building bridges between the church and her generation. She will bring “a message of hope for a post-COVID Church suffering from a loss of membership and disorientation from the comforting norms. I will connect this to the larger themes of the mainline church decline, especially in the Bay Area.” After worship, our church council will have its monthly meeting. Join us on Zoom a few minutes before 10 am.
Recent sermons
Check out our YouTube page to see recent sermons. Go to our archive of slides to see bulletins and slides used during services.
Upcoming events • Women's lunch: Mon, Mar 23 (7 pm), in person
The monthly in-person women’s lunch will be a picnic at church. Bring your own lunch and enjoy spring.
• Weds. Discussion Group: Mar 23 (7 pm), Zoom
The first three of the “Seven Last Words of Christ”
• Book group: Sun, Mar 27 (7 pm), Zoom
Discussing “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig • Easter Choir rehearsals: In person Mon, Mar 28: 7:30–9 pm Sun. Apr 3: 11:15 am–12:15 pm Mon, Apr 11: 7:30–9 pm • In-person worship: Sun, April 3, (10 am) Roy Gesley leads Holy Humor Sunday • Maundy Thursday: April 14 (7 pm), in person A contemplative service at CHC • Good Friday: April 15, (7 pm), in person at CCSM A joint service with other local churches • Easter Sunday: April 17 (10 am), in person Easter Eucharist at CHC
Faith In Action works against evictions
Clara of Many Journeys MCC writes that “Faith in Action is asking for help to bring attention and demand government action to prevent the March 31 eviction cliff (as pandemic eviction protections and the rent relief program end).” She recommends:
1. Reading and sharing this Know Your Rights flyer
2. Attending a March 21 rally in front of the County Courthouse
Links and resources
• Musicians play in solidarity with Ukrainian violinist
• How Silicon Valley turned work into religion
• Why many Ukranians look to Mary for protection
• In praise of Ireland's other patron saint, St. Brigid
Quote of the week
“Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive.”
Weekly events
• Women's group: Mondays at 1 pm
Usually on Zoom; third Mondays in person
• Meditation: Wednesdays at 7:30 am
In person at the church building
• Worship service: Sundays at 10 am
Usually on Zoom
Image: Erin Wiens St. John