News for Aug 11, 2020

MK Nelson will be our guest speaker on Sun, Aug 16.
This Sunday: MK Nelson
Our guest speaker will be MK Nelson, whose Twitter bio is "hospice chaplain, writer, editor, grief counselor, fairy godmother, and full-on-ham." Her message is called "Stillness," and we'll have readings by Pablo Neruda, Wendell Berry, and others. Join us on Zoom at 10 am Sunday.
Watch Police Chief Barberini's talk
Last Sunday, San Mateo Police Chief Ed Barberini gave a talk called "Racial Injustice and the Police Perspective." He discussed his department's response to Black Lives Matter protests over police brutality, and answered our questions. See the slides we used in worship, or watch his talk.
Other events this week
• New members' group: We'll meet Wed, Aug 12 at 7 pm. (It will be back to its regular schedule starting next Wed, Aug 19.) Join via Zoom. • Taizé service: Join us for a service of chant and contemplation on Fri, Aug 14 at 7:30 pm. We’ll hear more of Tom Kenyon’s music with “Lament for Whales: A Shaman’s Song.” Join via Zoom.
Links and resources
SF Symphony (and kids) play the William Tell overture
22 musicals in 12 minutes (via Polly)
Mormon beliefs about our heavenly Mother
"Big Love, Small Moments" (via Polly)
Quote of the week
"It’s in that convergence of spiritual people becoming active and active people becoming spiritual that the hope of humanity now rests." —Van Jones