News for Jul 21, 2020

Image: Rep. John Lewis accepts the Presidential Medal of Freedom (2010)
This Sun, Jul 26
Click here to join our Sunday service at 10 am Pacific. (Or use your telephone to join the audio-only version by calling 1 (720) 707-2699 and using meeting ID 996 320 920. If you need tech support, call us at (650) 341-7311.)
Watch Rev. Polly Moore's sermon
Last Sunday, Rev. Polly preached a sermon called “Sins of the Fathers." Her text was Nehemiah 9:1-5, and she explored the value of formal apologies and reparations in healing national wounds. Watch her sermon or see the slides we used during worship.
Virtual and physical happenings this week
• All week: Workers in CHC building There's lots of work happening in our building! Roofers will be installing a new roof, The Right Approach to Education will be making changes to the back rooms, and pest control will be checking in on the basement. • Wed, Jul 22: Justice Teri Jackson's oral arguments Watch Teri's proceedings at the First District Court of Appeal. Click here to view between 10 am–5 pm. • Wed, July 22: New members discussion group All new (and "old") members are invited to our next discussion. Rev. Polly will lead us in a discussion of Christianity and New Age thought. Click here to join us at 7 pm.
Links and resources
Jim Burklo sings "Stay Home" (via Jim G) Jerold Howard's "Quarantine Kat" (via Karen C) Valarie Kaur on Sikhs and civil rights in America Eric Whitacre's mass virtual choir, "Sing Gently" Faith was a constant for Rep. John Lewis "The Blessing" (Bay Area version)
Quote of the week
"Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble." —John Lewis (1940–2020)