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News for Jun 1, 2021

This Sun, Jun 6

This Sunday at 10 am, we willl have our first in-person service in over a year. We'll meet on the lawn in front of church. Our theme will be how we find God, comfort, or inspiration in nature. Rev. Jim Burklo will join us for a book signing after the service.

Health and safety: Please bring a mask. We will have communion during the service. We will not have a potluck, but feel free to bring your own food and drink for after the service.

If you're not able to come in person, join us via Zoom a few minutes before 10 am Pacific.

Jun 13: Annual meeting

Moderator Jim writes: “All members and friends are welcome at our annual congregational meeting on Zoom after worship on Sun, Jun 13. The meeting will feature updates on the new church sign as well as the new landscaping project. (Members, please vote on the proposed slate of officers before the meeting by responding to David Wartman's May 7 email. It's important that we hear from you well before the meeting.)”

Upcoming events on Zoom

New members' group: Wed, Jun 9 (5:30 pm)

We'll continue our exploration of dreams. All are welcome.

Deep Sharing event: Sun, Jun 13 (3–5 pm) Join CHC members for our third Deep Sharing event. Find info here.

• Book group: Sun, Jun 27 (7 pm)

Please note the new time. We’ll continue discussing “The Cloister.” For July 25, we’ll read “Neither Wolf nor Dog” by Kent Nerburn (who will be our guest preacher that morning).

Conference votes to sell Camp Cazadero

From our local UCC conference newsletter: “This past Saturday, the delegates of this Conference made a difficult and brave decision to sell Camp Cazadero, a camp that has been owned by this Conference for more than 75 years; a camp where hundreds (thousands?) of people have met God and experienced Spirit in God's creation. There are many who are grieving and there are many who are holding prayerful hope because of the promises and potential we see in what we know about Shelterwood Collective, the organization that has made an offer to purchase this beloved property...." Read more.

July 11: “The Power of Two”

On July 11, our speaker will be Isabel Stenzel Byrnes, co-author of "The Power of Two: A Twin Triumph Over Cystic Fibrosis." From the book's description: “Ana and Isa are identical twins who recount their lifelong struggle to pursue normal lives with cystic fibrosis while grappling with the realization that they will die young. This coming-of-age story reveals their tumultuous battle against their bodies, their desire for independent identities, and their gradual acceptance of being loveable despite being physically different.” Before July 11, consider reading the bookor watching the documentary.

Weekly online events

Worship service: Sundays at 10 am

Meditation discussion: Wednesdays at 8 am

Women's group: Mondays at 1 pm


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College Heights Church

United Church of Christ


1150 W. Hillsdale Blvd.

San Mateo, CA 94403

(650) 341-7311

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