News for Jun 14, 2022

This Sunday
Join us in person this Sunday at 10 am. Rev. Polly will preach on “Changing Your Mind”, with text from Thomas, Logion 24. This is loosely a continuation of last Sunday’s crowdsourced sermon. We will also be receiving new members, saying thank-you to our outgoing council moderator, blessing the pastoral search committee, and celebrating Peter’s 10-year anniversary with us. Please let Polly know if you can help with set-up, altar, reading, or party food. If you can't come in person, join us on Zoom.
Recent sermons
Check out our YouTube page to see recent sermons. Go to our archive of slides to see bulletins and slides used during services.
In memory of Wayne Self
We're sad to announce that Wayne Self, former music director at both Many Journeys MCC and College Heights, died of colon cancer on June 2. Wayne was a composer and playwright, best known for his musical “UpStairs” about an 1973 arson fire which killed 32 people at a gay bar in New Orleans. Read more about Wayne in this remembrance. Celebrations of Wayne's life will take place in New Orleans on July 30 and 31, 2022, with more details to be announced soon.
Upcoming events • Book Group: Sun, Jun 26 (7pm).
"These Precious Days" by Ann Patchett.
• Lynne Shafsky memorial: Sat, Aug 6, (1:30 pm)
Join us in person to celebrate Lynne's life.
• Women's retreat: Sep 2–5
Join us in Pacific Grove. Contact Polly to RVSP.
Discussion group: The Didache
Starting June 8, the Wednesday Discussion Group will be working through The Didache, a very early training manual for Christian communities. Check out an online translation or buy Polly's favorite printed translation and commentary. Anyone is welcome to join the discussion.
Worship and Arts update
Last summer’s “August on Broadway” was so much fun, we decided to do another series this year. Starting July 10, our sermon themes will be children’s stories that were special to us. What did we learn? Have they stood the test of time? Talk to Marilyn if you’d like to reserve a date to tell us about your most memorable children’s book. The next Worship & Arts meeting will be after worship on Sunday, July 10.
Quote of the week
“I dwell in possibility.”
—Emily Dickinson
Weekly events
• Women's group: Mondays at 1 pm
Usually on Zoom; third Mondays at church
• Meditation group: Wednesdays at 7:30 am
In person at the church building
• Sunday worship: 10 am
In person or on Zoom — see the newsletter or this site for updates
Image: A Juneteenth celebration in Houston in 1880