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News for June 5th, 2024

Dear Beloved Community, 

This Sunday, we are hearing from The Conklin and Hulse family. They will share with us the tradition and history of the United Church of Christ, the denomination College Heights is a part of. Below is a blurb from Karen on what to expect this Sunday:

"The Conklin / Hulse family will hold forth on Sunday, June 9. We will provide an enlightening history of the New England Congregationalists and the U.C.C. up to the past 50 years. Interspersed will be a congregational ‘Hymn Sing’ including both lesser known and more popular tunes from both hymnals.You will be amazed to know how the Congregationalist Church throughout history has been on the forefront of social justice issues right from the beginning of this country.

George and Karen will also include some particularly personal church history.(Yep, my folks came with the first Puritans to Boston Bay Colony in 1630!) Finally, we’ll celebrate the birthday of the U.C.C. in 1957, which happens just a little bit later this month. (And George was there to take the photo that hit the religion pages across the nation!) Besides loving College Heights, you’ll be proud of the project you’ve chosen to be part of."

As always, I hope to see many of you on Sunday, and hope all of you are having a great week.

Peace and blessings!


June's Giving Sunday offering is for "Strengthen the Church" (UCC) Below is a video explaining more about the offering.

Recent sermons

Check out our YouTube page to see recent sermons. Go to our archive of slides to see bulletins and slides used during recent services.

Recordings of our Taize services are also on the YouTube page.

Upcoming services and events

  • Borg Discussion GroupThurs, June 13th (7 pm) on Zoom. It’s not too late to join the conversation. We’re still on Ch. 2 of Marcus Borg’s “Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time.” Jorge will lead the discussion during Polly’s sabbatical.

  • San Mateo County Pride 2024!: Saturday, June 8th 11:00am-5:00pom. College Heights, along with the rest of the Peninsula UCC churches, have been confirmed to participate in the 2024 San Mateo County Pride Parade.

  • Taize: Saturday, June 14th, 7:30pm. Our next monthly Taize service will be on Friday, June 14th. We will hear a reading from Mary Oliver about angels.

  • Church Picnic: Sunday, June 16. We will be having our church picnic in our front lawn at College Heights. Stay tune for more information.

  • Book Group: Sun, June 23rd (7 pm), Zoom Our next book will be "Catastrophe Ethics," by Travis Rieder

  • UCC Family CampJuly 19-21, Monte Toyon Retreat Center, Aptos. Save the date to join the Belmont UCC like last year. More info coming.

Links and resources

Masterworks Chorale’s spring concert is coming up! There will be two concerts, on Saturday, June 8, at 7pm and Sunday, June 9, at 3 pm. Both will be at CCSM. The program is titled “Journeys” and features about a dozen very lovely short pieces. Here’s a sample from the playlist: Eric Whitacre's Child of Wonder". (You might want to bring tissues…)

More info and tickets are available here. Come share this moving program with Caje, Polly and David Hooper.

Quote of the week

Knowledge is flour, but wisdom is bread. - Austin O’Malley

Weekly events

• Meditation group: Wednesdays at 7:30 am

In person at the church building.

• Sunday worship: 10 am

In person at the church building.

Image: United Church of Christ emblem


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College Heights Church

United Church of Christ


1150 W. Hillsdale Blvd.

San Mateo, CA 94403

(650) 341-7311

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