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News for Oct 20, 2020

Sandhya Jha

This Sunday, Oct 25: Rev. Sandhya Jha

This Sunday at our 10 am service, we welcome back Rev. Sandhya Jha. She is the founder and director of the Oakland Peace Center, a collective of 40 organizations creating access, equity, and dignity for all in the Bay Area. She serves as an anti-racism/anti-oppression trainer with Reconciliation Ministries for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). She is a faith-rooted organizer with Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity and with the Emerging Leaders Program at the Leadership Institute at Allen Temple. Her latest book, Transforming Communities: How People Like You are Healing Their Neighborhoods, focuses on concrete ways that regular people are creating change community-by-community in an era where positive change can feel impossible. Join us on Zoom at 10 am Sunday.

Watch Roy Gesley's message

Last Sunday, Rev. Roy Gesley preached "Wait, There's More!" His topic was the Bible as a whole — why exactly is it such a unique and sacred book? He used the story of Noah's Ark as an example. Watch his message, or see our worship slides.

Book club resuming soon

Al H. writes:

"I would like to announce that the book club will be resuming in the near future. Any interested person should contact me with ideas. I would suggest we meet either Sunday morning at 9 am or Sunday evening about 7 pm. I suggest starting with a novel with interesting characters to discuss. Several of us may have already read Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout. I would be open to any other suggestions."

Save the date: Sat, Nov 21

Our next in-person (and socially distanced) gathering at church will be Sat, Nov 21 from 1–3 pm. It will be either indoors or outdoors, depending on the weather. Bring your mask — plus cans and other non-perishable foods for Samaritan House.

Links and resources

• A dance performed at a dining room table (right)

• The first COVID vaccine won't make life normal • Oboists from the BBC Orchestras play Bach

Quote of the week

"Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know."

—Pema Chodren

Upcoming online events

• Worship service: Sundays at 10 am Click here to join

• Meditation chat: Wednesdays at 8 am Click here to join

• Women's group: Mondays at 1 pm Click here to join


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College Heights Church

United Church of Christ


1150 W. Hillsdale Blvd.

San Mateo, CA 94403


(650) 341-7311


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