News for Sep 14, 2021

This Sun, Sep 19
This Sunday at 10 am, join us on Zoom. Rev. Roy Gesley will preach “The Lord's Prayer: An InterFaith Perspective,” the first in a series of three sermons on this important text. We'll also have excerpts from an ancient Celtic lorica (prayer of protection) and music by Mahalia Jackson. Join us via Zoom a few minutes before 10 am.
Remembering Lynne Shafsky
We announce with sadness the unexpected passing on Thursday of Lynne Shafsky (pictured here). She died in her sleep at home. Please hold Butch and their sons in your prayers. A life celebration will be held at a later date when all her friends can gather. Lynne had a huge heart and was loved by many, many people.
Obituary for Pat Hobe
An obituary was recently published for Marilyn Courter's partner, Pat: “Pat Hobe, 79, died on August 17 at Silverado Memory Care in Belmont, CA. Her family was able to be with her in her final days. A teacher, a traveler, a photographer, a sympathizer, a giver, a student, and a mom, Pat devoted her life to the betterment of others and shed light on the hypocrisy of treatment towards women and people with disabilities. A celebration of Pat’s life will be held in the spring.” Read her full obituary.
Upcoming events
• In-person women's lunch: Mon, Sep 20 (1 pm)
Join us at Fiero Caffe on the third Monday of every month.
• Book group: Sun, Sep 26 (7 pm)
We'll discuss “Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants” by Robin Wall Kimmerer.
• Worship and Arts Committee: Wed, Oct 6 (7 pm)
Join us as we plan upcoming worship services and themes.
• In-person worship: Sun, Oct 10 (10 am)
Our next in-person worship service will be the second (not first!) Sunday of October. It will be our annual Blessing of the Animals, so bring or borrow a pet — or bring a picture for the altar of a pet you’ve lost. We'll also have communion.
Links and resources
• “Summer of Soul” documentary features The Staples Singers, Mahalia Jackson, and other gospel singers
• Morton Lauridsen’s “Sure on This Shining Night”
• A new chant by Rolf Vegdahl
• Today is the last day to vote in the recall election.
Quote of the week
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”
—Nelson Mandela
Weekly online events
• Women's group: Mondays at 1 pm
Usually on Zoom; third Mondays at Fiero Caffe
• Meditation: Wednesdays at 7:30 am
In person at the church building
• Worship service: Sundays at 10 am
Usually on Zoom
Image: Lynne Shafsky