News for Sep 8, 2020

Rev. Victor Floyd
This Sunday: Rev. Victor Floyd
Rev. Victor Floyd joins us for a Sunday of music and more. Rev. Victor is currently the Minister of Spiritual Care at Calvary Presbyterian Church in San Francisco. He believes that spiritual care is the heartbeat of the church. He earned his Master of Divinity at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley and is ordained with dual standing in the Metropolitan Community Church and United Church of Christ. Join us on Zoom at 10 am Sunday.
Watch Polly Moore's message
Last Sunday, Rev. Polly preached on Luke 10: 25–37, the parable of the Good Samaritan. Watch her message or see our worship slides.
Join us for Taizé this Friday
Join us for a Taizé-style service this Fri, Sep 11 at 7:30 pm. We'll have poetry by Mirabai Starr plus our usual mix of contemplative chants in the tradition of Taizé. Join us on Zoom.
Chief Barberini in the Daily Journal
San Mateo police chief Ed Barberini, a recent guest speaker at CollegeHeights, was featured in the San Mateo Daily Journal for his new approach to mental illness. The Journal writes: "A new mindfulness and resiliency training is in the beginning stages. 'It’s an out-of-the-box approach to law enforcement training,' says Barberini. 'It focuses on a level of awareness and emotional intelligence that we don’t always see in police training. It focuses on [creating] better individuals, with the end result of making them better police officers.'"
South Coast fire relief fund
Our friends at Puente write: "Our staff has joined efforts with the Red Cross, Human Service Agency of San Mateo County and the Sheriff’s Department to set up an evacuation center. Over 60 families have been provided with hotel vouchers. We expect to get more requests as the fire grows. Puente staff will continue staffing the evacuation center in Half Moon Bay to provide support to individuals and families." To help, donate here and select "fire relief fund."
Garden party on Sat, Sep 26
Join us for a socially distanced gathering on the church lawn on Sat, Sep 26 from 1–3 pm. Say hello to your friends, check out Jamie’s transformation of the back rooms into TRA's tutoring business, and admire our new roof. Please bring your own food, drink, etc. See you then!
Links and resources
• Air quality info from PurpleAir and the EPA • "The Sounds of Silence" by 4 guitarists • Want to volunteer as a worship leader? Check out the resources in our members section. (If you don't have the password, email us.)
Quote of the week
“Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive.”
Upcoming online events
• Worship service: Sundays at 10 am Click here to join
• Meditation chat: Wednesdays at 8 am Click here to join
• Women's group: Mondays at 1 pm Click here to join