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News for September 11, 2024

Dear Beloved Community, 

On Saturday we had a beautiful celebration of life for Jim Mathews, and the stories told about him were beautiful and profound. I did not have the blessing of knowing Jim like many of you did. The stories about him inspired me. I was blessed, and felt connected to him, after hearing all the ways he inspired and loved those around him. The stories about Jim mattered so much to me, because I know how much he meant to many of you. In remembering him, those that told stories about him revived his love and spirit, and brought it back into College Heights. May Jim’s life stories continue to inspire and motivate all of us at College Heights. 

This upcoming Sunday I will be reflecting on Luke 15:1-10. I will talk about the questions about transformation. Reflecting on what leads to transformations, and how likely it is to occur in a life or a community is a complicated question of humanity, and far from one-size fits-all. My hope is that we may learn to recognize indicators that transformation is either near or distant, we can never be sure of more than that.

I look forward to seeing many of you this Sunday and being blessed by your presence. May each one of you have a great rest of the week. See you Sunday!

Peace and blessings!


September's Giving Sunday offering is for Mission Hospice in San Mateo. Thanks for always being so generous with your gifts. You can learn more about the Mission Hospice in San Mateo here. 

Recent sermons

Check out our YouTube page to see recent sermons. Go to our archive of slides to see bulletins and slides used during recent services.

Recordings of our Taize services are also on the YouTube page.

Upcoming services and events

  • Taize Service: Friday, Sept 13, 7:30pm. Also available on Zoom.

  • Church Council: Sunday, Sept 15, after worship.

  • Borg Discussion Group: Thursday, Sept 26, 7pm on Zoom. Read Chapter 3 of “Reading the Bible Again for the First Time” by Marcus Borg.

  • CHC Work Day: Saturday, Sept 28, 9-12. Bring a lunch and relax afterward. Indoor and outdoor jobs to do; come and find one that fits you.

  • Book Group: Sunday, Sept 29, 7pm, on Zoom. This month's book is "Underland: A Deep Time Journey" by Robert Macfarlane. This is "an epic exploration of the Earth's underworlds as they exist in myth, literature, memory and the land itself." Published in 2019 and on several "top 100" lists for that year. Note change in meeting date.

  • Annual Men's Retreat: October 4-6 at Polly’s house in Pacific Grove. RSVP to Roy Gesley if you are interested.

  • Celebration of Life for Karen Conklin: Saturday, Oct 26, 2 pm.SVP to Roy Gesley if you are interested.

Links and resources

Homebrewed Christianity’s online class “Rise of Bonhoeffer

Quote of the week

How do we hold people accountable for wrongdoing and yet at the same time remain in touch with their humanity enough to believe in their capacity to be transformed? - bell hooks

Weekly events

• Meditation group: Wednesdays at 7:30 am

In person at the church building.

• Sunday worship: 10 am

In person at the church building.


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College Heights Church

United Church of Christ


1150 W. Hillsdale Blvd.

San Mateo, CA 94403

(650) 341-7311

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