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News for August 21st, 2024

Dear Beloved Community, 

This Sunday, guest preacher Meg Given will conclude her summer sermon series with “In the Wilderness with Elijah, Part III.” Meg is from Boulder Creek and studies at Earlham School of Religion, a Quaker seminary in Indiana. She found College Heights Church on Google Maps while researching possible sites for a new Quaker worship group almost fifteen years ago. The worship group rented elsewhere, but Meg stayed in touch with us through the Taizé service.


She says, “This is the final leg of a three-stage journey in the wilderness with the prophet Elijah, as told in 1 Kings 19. I’ll begin by orienting us to the series and this week’s text. Then we'll slow down together and ponder some questions prompted by Elijah's experience in the last portion of this chapter.”

Peace and blessings!


August's Giving Sunday offering is for the program that Caje and Janice presented a few weeks ago, to provide non-tuition assistance to college-bound students from Mercy Housing's Visitation Valley/Sunnydale project in San Francisco. Thanks for always being so generous with your gifts. You can learn more about the Sisters of Mercy's many affordable housing projects around the country at

Recent sermons

Check out our YouTube page to see recent sermons. Go to our archive of slides to see bulletins and slides used during recent services.

Recordings of our Taize services are also on the YouTube page.

Upcoming services and events

  • Borg Discussion GroupThursday, Aug 22, 7pm on Zoom. We are moving on to another book by Marcus Borg:  “Reading the Bible Again for the First Time.” Read chapter 1 for the meeting on the 22nd.

  • Postcard Party: Sunday, Aug 25, after worship. Bring your unwritten postcards and some lunch and come write postcards with Adelaide and Isabel. 

  • Book Group: Sunday, Sept 29, 7pm, on Zoom. This month's book is "Underland: A Deep Time Journey" by Robert Macfarlane. This is "an epic exploration of the Earth's underworlds as they exist in myth, literature, memory and the land itself." Published in 2019 and on several "top 100" lists for that year. Note change in meeting date.

  • Annual Women’s Retreat: Labor Day Weekend (Aug 30 - Sept 1) at Polly’s house in Pacific Grove. All church women invited; RSVP to Polly if you are coming.

  • Celebration of Life for Jim Mathews: Saturday, September 7 at 2 pm.

  • CHC Work DaySaturday, Sept 28, 9-12. Bring a lunch and relax afterward. Indoor and outdoor jobs to do; come and find one that fits you.

  • Annual Men's Retreat: October 4-6 at Polly’s house in Pacific Grove. RSVP to Roy Gesley if you are interested.

Links and resources

A Church of Love” from Cathar Sunday (8/4). The link from last week has disappeared, so here's a local pdf instead.

Peninsula Multifaith Coalition Prayers for Peace on Labor Day, Twin Pines Park, 10am

Quote of the week

“Critical thinking without hope is cynicism. Hope without critical thinking is naiveté.” - Maria Popova

Weekly events

• Meditation group: Wednesdays at 7:30 am

In person at the church building.

• Sunday worship: 10 am

In person at the church building.

Image: Meg Given


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College Heights Church

United Church of Christ


1150 W. Hillsdale Blvd.

San Mateo, CA 94403

(650) 341-7311

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