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News for October 3, 2023

This Sunday, Oct 8: In-person service at 10am

Our guest preacher this Sunday is our own (for a few more weeks) Susan Hasse. She will share works by one of her favorite poets, David Whyte. Whyte is an Anglo-Irish poet who lives now in the Pacific Northwest. He says that his poetry and his philosophy are based on the "conversational nature of reality." We will celebrate communion as well.

The Giving Sunday offering for October is for Neighbors in Need, a UCC offering to support ministries of justice and compassion..

Recent sermons

Check out our YouTube page to see recent sermons. Go to our archive of slides to see bulletins and slides used during recent services.

Starting in Sept 2023, recordings of our Taize services are also on the YouTube page.

Volunteer needed

Do you enjoy shopping? Have we got a job for you! The church needs someone to take on regular purchasing of our short list of consumables. We share the list with TRA, and our half looks like paper towels, bifold towels and light bulbs. All you have to do is be sure the supply closet doesn't run out of our items! If you can help, talk to Polly. Thanks in advance.

"Return to Sender" problem solved

If you have recently tried to mail something to the church, only to have it returned with a yellow label, don't give up! The San Mateo Post Office temporarily confused CHC with MJ (two churches at the same address) and refused to deliver our mail! The problem should be fixed now, so if it happens again, tell Polly asap.

Upcoming services and events

• Weds discussion group:Oct 11 (7 pm), Zoom

"Basic Bible Stories", meeting the main characters of the Old Testament. The Israelites finally reached Canaan last time, so we will move on to the stories in Judges (like Deborah and Jael) and Ruth.

• Taize service: Fri, Oct 13 (7:30 pm) Our monthly service of chant, prayer and quiet.

• Book Group: Sun, Oct 22 (7 pm), Zoom Discussion of “Mink River” by Brian Doyle.

• Dia de los Muertos: Sun, Oct 29 (10 am). Our annual service of remembrance.

• Farewell Party for the Hasse's: Sun, Oct 29 after worship. Come say good-bye as they head up to Enso in Healdsburg.

• Worship & Arts: Sun, Nov 5 after worship. Everyone is welcome to help plan future services and events.

Links and resources

There's a by-donation choral concert to benefit LifeMoves, to be held at CCSM (the downtown church) this Sunday, Oct 8, at 5 pm. LifeMoves provides social services for homeless people in our area; they recently absorbed Home and Hope.

Chocolate Fest at the Congregational Church of the Peninsula, Oct 20 & 21.

Bible and Social Justice, a 4-part series offered by a former PSR professor at CCSM, on Sundays after church on Oct 1, 8, 29, Nov 5. In-person or via Zoom.

Masterworks Chorale's fall concert will be Oct 28th (7pm) and 29th (4pm) at Carlmont HS. You will recognize at least three singers in the chorale this year! Here's a taste of one of the pieces on the program: Francis Poulenc's "Gloria", movement 2 ("Laudamus Te"). Poulenc claimed it was inspired by the sight of Benedictine monks playing soccer!

Quote of the week

"It's the beauty within us that makes it possible to recognize the beauty around us. The question is not what you look at, but what you see." -- Henry David Thoreau

Weekly events

• Meditation group: Wednesdays at 7:30 am

In person at the church building.

• Sunday worship: 10 am

In person at the church building.

Image: poet David Whyte


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College Heights Church

United Church of Christ


1150 W. Hillsdale Blvd.

San Mateo, CA 94403

(650) 341-7311

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