News for January 16, 2024

This Sunday, Jan 21: In-person service at 10am
Our guest preacher this Sunday will be long-time friend Eric DeBode, the founder and director of Abundant Grace Coastside Worker. Abundant Grace has three primary program areas: full service food justice, the coastside clean team, and the Workforce Development Center. It's fair to say that over the years Eric has had a positive impact on many, many lives in the HMB area. Whatever he ends up talking about on Sunday will be inspiring!
The Giving Sunday offering for January is for Abundant Grace Coastside Worker, helping the homeless on the coast. Their director and visionary, Eric Debode, has been our guest preacher many times. Including next Sunday!
Recent sermons
Check out our YouTube page to see recent sermons. Go to our archive of slides to see bulletins and slides used during recent services.
Starting in Sept 2023, recordings of our Taize services are also on the YouTube page.
Due to a technical glitch, Polly's sermon on "The Hard Work of Peace" didn't get recorded. You can read the text here.
Pepe Doyle's sermon on "My Search for Joy" is posted, though not publicly. Contact the office for the link.
Valentine Make 'n' Take on Sun, Feb 4
Invite your friends and come make valentines! Sunday, Feb 4 from 12-2. Craft materials will be supplied, as well as expert guidance from long-time valentine makers Jim and Marilyn Garrison (see an example to the right). Lunch will be provided but you are encouraged to contribute a Valentine-themed dessert. Questions? Karen Conklin will have the answers!
Upcoming services and events
• Weds discussion group: Jan 24 (7 pm), Zoom
"Basic Bible Stories", meeting the main characters of the Old Testament. We'll continue with the story of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
• Book Group: Sun, Jan 28 (7 pm), Zoom
Al Hasse is still going to lead the Book Group! The next discussion won't be until after their move and the holidays, which will give you plenty of time to prepare your arguments, pro and con, on Sam Harris' "Free Will".
• Candidating Sunday: Sun, Feb 11 (10 am) We will hear the preaching of a candidate for our next minister, and vote after the service. Voting members of the church are requested to be present.
Links and resources
• Free training in real estate fundamentals for houses of worship, SF, Jan 18, 9:30-2:30.
• Free Zoom session on the new SB4 legislation, Jan 24, 11-12:15. Register to get the link.
• Westar Institute class on divine violence, "God is All the Rage", Thursdays on Zoom, Feb 1 - Mar 7, 7-8:30.
• One last piece of Christmas music... "Ding, Dong Merrily on High" with 8 bells, 2 players
Quote of the week
"Peace, in its most fundamental form, is the connection of one human spirit to another."
 -- Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Weekly events
• Meditation group: Wednesdays at 7:30 am
In person at the church building.
• Sunday worship: 10 am
In person at the church building.
Image: Eric DeBode, Director of Abundant Grace