News for Oct 25, 2022

This Sunday: In-person service
Join us in person this Sunday at 10 am. We will honor those whom we love but see no longer. You are invited to bring a picture for the altar of a departed loved one, and we will share our stories at sermon time.
(Also, please sign up to volunteer on an upcoming Sunday as reader, greeter, etc.)
Recent sermons
Check out our YouTube page to see recent sermons. Go to our archive of slides to see bulletins and slides used during recent services.
Pastor search survey
The pastor search committee heartily encourages members and friends to fill out this survey about what we are looking for in a future pastoral leader. It is very important we have the input of as many people as possible so we can truly represent your needs, dreams, and values. Please fill it out here (or contact us for a paper copy.)
Women's group in-person gathering this Sunday
We’re experimenting with different times to meet in-person that make it possible for everyone to participate. Come to a post-worship lunch this Sunday, Oct 30 from 12–2 pm. Lunch will be provided. Open to all women in the church.
Contemplative pairs: Nov 19
Roy Gesley is offering the opportunity to engage in Contemplative Pairs on Sat, Nov 19 at the church from 11 am–3 pm. This is a method of spiritual inquiry that involves no belief system, and uses meeting in pairs safely and respectfully. More info here, including a description of the day and a link to a documentary showing the practice.
Other upcoming events • Weds discussion group: Oct 26 (7 pm), Zoom
Discussing Logions 38-72 of the Gospel of Thomas
• Book group: Sun, Oct 30 (7 pm), Zoom
Thomas Friedman’s “Thank You for Being Late”
• Worship & Arts committee: Nov 6 after church
• Harvest Dinner at Belmont UCC Nov 19, 5 pm
We’re invited to a pre-Thanksgiving potluck dinner! Bring a side dish to go with the turkey.
Resources and links
• Is there a God-shaped hole at the heart of mathematics?
• Deirdre Doyle in “Mamma Mia" at Aragon High School Nov 17–20
• UCC Golden Gate Association Fall Gathering in SF, Nov 19 10 am–3 pm
Quote of the week
”Paying attention is a form of reciprocity with the living world.”
—Robin Wall Kimmerer
Weekly events
• Women's group: Mondays at 1 pm
Usually on Zoom; third Mondays at church
• Meditation group: Wednesdays at 7:30 am
In person at the church building
• Sunday worship: 10 am
In person or on Zoom — see the newsletter or this site for updates
Photo: 2019 altar honoring our beloved dead